Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shamballa Bracelets

Did you know that traditionally bracelets like the Shamballa style that is so trendy right now actually has meanings associated with the color used? Shamballa represents the mythical kingdom that Tibetan Buddhists believe symbolizes enlightenment, peace and perfection and the colors are associated with a particular chakra (energy centers in your body). For example, red is associated with the base chakra and symbolizes passion, green is associated with the heart chakra which gives rise to balance and harmony and violet is associated with the 7th chakra - the one located at the crown of the head and is meant for bliss and spirituality. Regardless, of whether you wear or make these bracelets for a spiritual purpose or a fashion statement, theyare fun to make.

Blue Shamballa Bracelet
Photo and Project by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

To get more information about what the colors and chakras mean, click here.

To get the instructions on how to make your own Shamballa bracelet by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, click HERE

Now go bead something - like this bracelet.

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