Tuesday, August 20, 2013

StencilGirl Marrakech Express - Bead Embroidery

Marrakech Express Bead Embroider
photo and project by Janet Joehlin for
StencilGirl Talk
I am a stencil fiend, I admit it. I use them a lot - lately, a lot in my glass work. But, who knew to use stencils to create patterns for bead embroidery - Janet Joehlin - that's who! Janet is part of the Design Team for StencilGirl Talk. StencilGirl makes a huge variety of stencil in a huge number of motifs and I love them! 

Anyway, Janet used the Marrakech Mixed Stencil L 177 to create these lovely motifs that she later bead embroidered.

Janet has a detailed step by step at the StencilGirl Talk blog with close up photos. If you have never bead embroidered before, this is a really great tutorial to learn how - all the while creating some really lovely motifs you can use for jewelry, fiber arts or even mixed media.

Click HERE to get her easy, detailed instructions and look for Marrakech Express. 

Now go bead something.

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