Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Got Kumihimo?

Beads, fibers, braid and weaving... who wouldn't love that? And, kumihimo is a technique that includes all of that and more. There are simple kumihimo braids, but with just another twist or the addition of different color beads or braids you can get a completely different look.

So, you've been wanting to try kumihimo, but don't want to invest a lot of money in the equipment - like for a marudai - the round topped stool with a hole in the center that most serious kumihimo artists use. Well, now there are these simple and inexpensive round and square kumihimo disks you can use to create these lovely braids. And, who doesn't have beads, cords and a few blingy crystals around - huh?

To start you off on your Kumihimo journey, here is a pretty little project from Fire Mountain Gems and Beads - a double strand necklace and earring set using Swarovski crystals, beads and silk cords.

Double Stranded Kumihimo Necklace and Earring Set
Project and Photo by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads
The colorway is really lovely, but isn't this a great opportunity to create it in Pantone's Color of the Year - Radiant Orchid? Yes, it is.

Click HERE to get all the how tos.

Now go bead something.

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