Thursday, May 8, 2014

Crochet Wish Bracelet

I really adore the sentiment behind this Crochet Wish Bracelet by Chilly Dog!

It appears that the idea behind this project is that you when you tie the bracelet onto your wrist, you make a wish. And since it is made with hemp, over time the hemp naturally weakens. When it wears through and the beads fall off, your wish is released and will come true.

Crochet Wish Bracelet
Photo and Project by The Chilly Dog
But - guess what? You don't really need to know how to crochet - just how to chain (and that is super duper easy). Best of all, Chilly also includes video instructions on how to create your own. I just love video tutorials.

If it was me...I would add a large bead for myself in the middle, a smaller one for every child (and/or grandchild) in the color of their birthstone on each side; then, I would make a wish for each one of them. Hey, come to think of it that would make a pretty sweet Mother's Day gift!

You're welcome.

Click HERE to get all the how tos.

Now go bead something.

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