Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Broken Porcelain Earrings

Have you every broken a treasured piece of porcelain? Maybe it was your grandmother's teapot or teacup or something from your mom's wedding. I know I have. Unfortunately, there was no rescuing it and I ended up having to throw it out.

Broken Porcelain Earrings
by www.create-your-style.com
Now, thanks to create-your-style.com, you can keep that piece of broken porcelain and still make it something memorable - something you can wear - like these Broken Porcelain Earrings.

Best of all, you don't need a soldering iron and if you have enough broken porcelain pieces, you can probably  make enough pairs to share with your sister, cousins,  mom - you get the picture.

All you need is your broken porcelain pieces, some epoxy clay, ear wires and, of course, Swarvoski crystal elements. If you've never worked with epoxy clay (it's all the rage right now), I think this is the perfect project to get your feet wet.

The written instructions are accompanied by really great illustrations that clearly walk you through every step in creating your own unique pair of Broken Porcelain Earrings.

Click HERE to get the instructions.

Now go bead something.

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