Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bead Stoppers

Ever been at a bead store and see a package of tightly wound coils that look like these?

Picture courtesy of Fire Mountain Gems
And wonder... "What are they used for?"

These little gadgets are bead stoppers. You clip one to the end of your thread prior to beginning a project and it secures or stops your beads from falling off. They can be easily placed on and taken off the thread with a simple squeeze. 

Okay, so it's the middle of the night and you need a project for the next day and... no bead stopper! Don't pull out your hair! Instead, find a larger bead in a different color than your working beads and pass the thread through and around it at least twice.

Regardless of what you use - a spring coiled bead stopper, larger bead or even tape, once you're finished with your project, pull the thread out and weave your tail in.

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