Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pompeii Bracelet by Auntie's Beads

I love video tutorials because you can replay them over and over or stop them when you need to. And, there's just no beating the fact that there is nothing like actually watching someone do the technique or project you are trying to learn.

So check out this Pompeii Bracelet video tutorial by Auntie's Beads.

Pompeii Bracelet
Photo and Project by Auntie's Beads

They use a stone cab in their project, but if you like resin or can enamel I don't see any reason why you couldn't use one of those very popular techniques to create your own unique cabochon. As a matter of fact, you could probably use an heirloom button or any other focal that has two loops or a way to attach it to the chain.

Click HERE for all the how tos.

Now go bead something.

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