Friday, April 26, 2013

Sliding Knot Friendship Bracelet

If you're like me, you probably have a small (or not so small) assortment of lampworked or other one of a kind beads hanging around. Well, what to do when you have just one large bead - make it a focal, of course!
Sliding Knot Friendship Bracelet and picture by

Here is an easy, neat idea for a Sliding Knot Friendship Bracelet using just one bead. And, best of all, the sliding knot makes it one size fit all. You can also change the look of it to go from elegant to casual based on the cord and bead or beads that you use.

It, obviously, doesn't take a lot of materials or tools (actually no tools at all - other than your fingers) to make. 

So, if you're looking for a quick project to use up some of those single one-off beads, click HERE to get the how to.

Now go bead something!

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